Link for Ministry Support

Link for Ministry Support

This site is not aimed to make Christian converts of my customers, rather to provide you with excellent merchandise & prices while offering customer service to high standards. This site will be able to eventually give me the ability to where I will not be needing to be working at a physical job, but being able to focus more on what GOD has for me to do. I am seeking to have this store and then build other stores for different focuses, all the while seeking to provide the best experience that I can. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!

If you would wish to support my ministry directly without purchasing anything, you could go to: where I'm raising funds for moving to Japan where I'll become a long term missionary there. 

I'm in preparation to become a long term missionary in Japan, I'll be in the area of Osaka. When there I will be working with the local church to help them get more comfortable sharing their faith. Everything that I do, I seek to bring GOD the glory. It isn't about me or what I can achieve, because I owe everything to GOD.

#ecommerce #Japan #Osaka #gofundme
